An independent kingdom of the 10th century, Ladakh was continuously pestered by the periodical attacks of the Kashmiri Muslims in the 16th century until it was finally annexed to their state in the mid 19th century. One can see distinct influences of the different visitors to the place in the Ladakhi culture.

Fairs and festivals in Ladakhi region have a deep-rooted social impact. They provide opportunities for the people to interact and to enjoy. Due to heavy snowfall in the winter season, most of the people have relatively more idle time on their hands and hence most of the Gompas or monasteries choose this time for their annual festivals though there are summer festivals too.

Ladakhis are known for their cheerful disposition and most of their festivals fall in winters, which serve as an excuse for social and convivial gatherings. In summers, archery competitions and native version of polo are quite common and especially among the Buddhists.

The people of Ladakh bear much resemblance to Tibetans and Central Asians with their round faces, short stubby noses and small eyes with pronounced cheekbones. The people of the mountains, they have good stamina are accustomed to manual labor. However, they are considered to be soft and plain at heart.

Situated at an altitude of 3505 m above sea level, Leh is to the east of Jammu & Kashmir and is the capital of Ladakh. Zanskar River flows through it and breathtaking sparking white snowcapped peaks surround the valley of Leh. A blending of barren desert and well-irrigated farms, the ruined Tibetan style palace of Leh is the first to attract the attention of the tourists.