There are a number of hotels and resorts, catering to
the needs of different types of tourists, in Pushkar. However, it is
sometimes difficult to find accommodation or room in Pushkar,
particularly if one arrives late in the day. Some of the resorts in
Pushkar are fancy but most of the hotels are simple yet clean and
freshly painted or whitewashed.
During the Pushkar Camel fair, accommodation is provided in special
make shift tents in a tourist village. It is self-sufficient and
specially designed to harmonize the natural beauty of the place. The
village provides for a coffee shop and a dining hall that can cater to
around 1,500 guests at a time. This tourist village is arranged in
blocks of tents, each having its own identity, named after the famous
dances of Rajasthan. There is also a provision of huts with attached
western style toilets and running water.
This page contains
information on accommodation in Pushkar camel fair. Read further for
more information on accommodation in Pushkar camel fair.
Travel to India: Pushkar Camle Fair: Accommodation in Pushkar