In Rajasthan, majority of the population comprises of Rajputs. The Rajputs were the former rulers of the princely states and royal provinces of Rajasthan. The Rajputs are characterized by their stout built and tall height. The Rajputs are strict followers of their religion and are ardent worshippers of the Sun, Shiva and Vishnu. The Rajputs also believe and follow the Vedas, or the holy scriptures of the Hindus. All religious and auspicious activities and rituals are done in accordance to these scriptures.
The rituals and holy practices in Rajasthan were carried on by the Brahmins or the class of the Priests. Apart from temples and other religious institutions, the Brahmins also served in the royal courts of the Kings. The Brahmins all over India enjoyed the uppermost caste. But in Rajasthan, they had to be satisfied with the second position in the caste hierarchy because the warriors were more important as the state was under constant wars with external forces and empires. After the Brahmins come the traders who consist of the Jains and the Marwaris.
Since agriculture is the main occupation of the people there, next are the farmers or the pastoral class. They indulge in activities that range from cattle rearing to farming. After them come the craftsmen like artisans, painters, sculptors and potters. The last category of people is the tribal class like Bhils, Sahariyas and the nomadic Kathodis.