Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary:
90 Km from Thanjavur or Tanjore, Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary is often also referred to as Kodikkarai Wildlife Sanctuary. Stretching across an area of 17.26 sq. km., it is surrounded by ble waters of the sea and mesmerizing beaches. The beautiful locales, tidal swamp forests and dry evergreen forests of mangroves, make the Kodikkarai coastal sanctuary, a delightful and adventurous wilderness destination. The wetland jutting out into the Palk Strait separating India and Sri Lanka, the highlights of the area are the migratory waterfowls such as Flamingos that come to seek refuge here in winters.
Crocodile Bank:
42 km from Chennai, Madras Crocodile Bank was founded with an aim to protect and conserve the endangered crocodiles and reptiles. Today, it houses crocodiles that are kept in their natural surroundings and the pools. The lush green tropical forests provide shade to the thousands of crocodilians basking around the shores of the water with jaws wide open. Also known as Chennai Crocodile Bank, this crocodile conservation centre is the largest croc-breeding site in India. The visit to the place gives a feeling of being one with the aqua world with the faint smell of fish and moss in the air and dampness of the place.
Kunthakulam Wildlife Sanctuary:
33 km from Tirunelveli, Kunthakulam Bird Sanctuary is situated in Nanguneri Taluk of Tamil Nadu. A tiny village with beautiful natural surroundings consisting of forests and ponds, Kunthakulam is an idyllic spot for our feathered friends to seek refuge in the winters from January to April, when they come here all the way from Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, USA and Australia flying across miles and miles to reach the place. It is claimed that in this season about 10,000 birds from various countries migrate here.
Viralimalai Wildlife Sanctuary:
30 km From Tiruchirapalli, this wildlife sanctuary is famous for the Murugan Temple and the Peacock Sanctuary, the abode of Indian National Bird. One can see quite a large number of wild peacocks roaming around the Murugan temple as of to offer their homage to the deity. It is one of the best places to watch peacocks and the lucky ones may even get a chance to see them dancing spreading their colorful feathers to full glory. There are about six species of peacock pheasants spread throughout South East Asia. However, the Palawan Peacock Pheasant or 'Tandikan' are the most colorful of all the species.