A popular picnic spot of the area, the lake is the source of all the drinking water to Periakalam town and has charming surroundings.
Boat Club:
Set up in 1910, it now offers boat cruises to public and tourists on the Carlton boats that can be hired from here.
Bryant Park:
Situated to the east of the lake, Bryant Park is noted for flowers, hybrids and rafts that are displayed in a glasshouse. The annual horticultural show held here in May is something to be seen and appreciated.
Shenbaganur Museum:
About 5 km from the lake, Shenbaganur Museum is housed in the Sacred Heart College and is considered one of the best orchidoriums in the country. It has more than 300 species of orchids and variety of birds.
Coaker's Walk:
Coaker's Walk is named after Lt. Coaker, who prepared the map of Kodai. It offers some of the best views of the nearby plains.
Kodaikanal Lake:
A beautiful artificial star-shaped lake, it spreads across sixty acres and is surrounded by verdant greenery. It also houses the boat club mentioned above featuring several pleasure and racing trips.
Pillar Rocks:
The three boulders standing next to each other offer panoramic views of the city.
Kurinji Andavar Temple:
The temple is dedicated to Lord Murugan. In Tamil, 'Kurinji Andavar' means 'God of the Hills' and the temple offers excellent views of the northern plains and Palani Hills.
Silver Cascade:
Silver Cascade waterfall, 8 km from Kodaikanal, is actually the overflow of Kodai Lake that falls here for 180 feet.
Telescope Houses:
To help the tourists watch the beauteous surroundings of the city and nearby towns at length, two telescope houses have been set up at Kodai.